Thursday, April 29, 2010

Support Groups

Rose and I are out to support a friend of ours at her reading tonight. She writes her own blog called Dr. Write if you want to get to know her.

This brings the question to mind on the idea of support: How do you support those around you that are published, getting published, or are trying to get published? How do you develop a community of writers that really offer support and not judgement?

I've been a part of writing groups in the past, where once their needs were met, they stopped being a supportive group. I've also been a part of groups that had nothing to do with writing but found great support with those few who also "wrote on the side."

I've also been a part of a group where it naturally took its course and tapered off but left me with an amazing writing partner (yes, that would be you, Rose).

I've yet to try the virtual writing group and see if I can offer support there or receive it. Rose is a bit braver than me there.

What about you? How do you find your support groups for writing? Who do you ask to read your work?

Finding a good support group involves trust and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. To reach out is hard, to be burned and continue to reach out is even harder. But how else will we find each other if we never try?

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