Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What's in it for me?

As Rose mentioned, why we write is part of a journey. The journey really. If I always questioned "what's in it for me?" I'd never stop to see the beauty in the art of "just doing."

But, let's examine the question as this question often follows the other one --why write?

What in it for me?

Fame--being recognized by many and having good seats at a game would be a few perks I am sure, as would publicly airing my laundry

Fortune--money would be up there at the top, because let's face it, if you don't have the money to DO anything, you are still just a poser. So "give me money (that's what I want)"

Public recognition--I would love to quit my day job and sit in a room typing and have that be considered a worthy endeavor, instead of a hobby.

Be coined "a real writer"--not like those fake ones you see typing in an empty room or coffee shop.

What's REALLY in it for me right now?

Well, certainly not fame or fortune, and I am still at work....so coining myself a real writer is really where it's at. I am just learning to form the words--I am a writer--without immediately making excuses for it. And, maybe next in line of importance is the fact that others around me are also taking me seriously as a writer.

So, bottom line?

I write because I am a writer.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why do I write?

It's a question that keeps popping up. There are many reasons, the main one being I enjoy writing. If something is stuck in my head it makes a lot more sense to get it down on paper so to speak than have it rattling around in my brain. Reason number two it's my form of expression. Other people paint, sculpt, tell jokes, hang off the sides of cliffs, knit, cook, etc. Of course the stated goal of every writer is to get published and while that would be cool it won't change my life because that isn't the way life works. I already have the life I want, being a published author would be the cherry on top but wouldn't stop me from hanging out with friends, sleeping through the radio alarm or forgetting to unplug the kettle. In a recent rejection letter they said 'there's no doubt that this has potential' so for now I'm going to enjoy the journey and not worry about the destination. Wow that's deep for one in the afternoon.